If there's a need for a soundscape design, then there are a couple of factors a client should think or know about and are crucial when designing the soundscape:
– Purpose of the place (what is the problem that needs to be solved with sound)
– How will the space be used by people
– Plans (documentation of the space/area)
– Is there dedicated space for special equipment
– 3D renders of a space, if it's still in the design phase
– Information about electricity (a dedicated phase is recommended for audio equipment due to high sensitivity)
– Information about surrounding materials (this affects the acoustics of the environment)
– Timeframe in which the work should be finished. Depending on the project a soundscape design could take a long time to make if it needs special seasonal sounds from nature. Special technical solutions might have waiting times.
– If 3rd party sounds are used, then copyright issues must be dealt with
– Budget, on which it depends on what could be achieved and what not. There are many creative ways to lower any budget necessary for technical equipment.

The work involving soundscape design consists of different stages:
– Figuring out what is possible
– Creating a vision of the designed soundscape
– Planning the location and use of technical equipment
– Recording sounds on the field, in nature, in the studio, or using extra sounds
– Editing the sounds
– Composing the designed soundscape
– Creating audio examples
– Creating the final soundscape and optimizing it in the designated area – balancing levels, equalizing sound frequencies, removing unplanned anomalies
– Preparing files for the playback devices
– Programming the playback devices to work automatically (if such devices would be used)
– Creating a user manual and setting up possibilities to manually adjust settings by the end user