My name is Taavi Tulev

I create immersive soundscape designs for interior and architectural spaces and music.
When creating soundscape designs my main focus is tailoring the sonic experiences for different projects individually. The soundscape works are mainly immersive – meaning there are lots of sound sources and the experience will be a 360-degree soundscape.
My work involves planning the content, technology, and location of the devices used in accordance with the purpose of the project. It also includes recording, editing, and fine-tuning the project to work best with the intended use of space.
Mainly the soundscapes have been made for museums and art exhibitions, but would very well fit for any public spaces. Soundscape gives space a character, can work for masking sounds, and also helps the visually impaired.

If you're interested in my services, then feel free and contact me – there's a contact form at the bottom of this page!
One of the largest soundscape installations in the world. Located in Tartu, Estonia. 126 speaker channels, and over 1000 square meters of exhibition space. The exhibition is about Finno Ugric people and takes the visitor through 4-seasons and different areas. The central system running the soundscape is based around QSC Q-SYS. The concept of the exhibition was created by JANKEN Wisespace and Velvet. The soundscape was created in collaboration with RGB Baltic

Soundscape for an exhibition "Your Nature with Love" in Syöte Visitor Center in Syöte, northern Finland. Collaboration with Motor. The soundscape is delivered by ~20 different speakers and the soundscape is made of sounds, which illustrates 4 seasons of the area. A special sound recording trip was made to Lapland to gather sounds for it. The sound installation was fine-tuned to perfection on the site. 
A temporary sound installation in a public space where people wait for the bus. The sound heard is birdsong which is slowed down to match the heart rate of a human, making it sound almost ape-like. There were 6 speakers under the concrete structure and sounds could be heard coming from under it.

Musical piece combined with sound effects for an anonymous artist Edvard Von Lõngus. The exhibition took place in an old warehouse and had a loud 4-channel sound system. Due to the acoustical properties of the exhibition space, it reverberated nicely and created the desired effect. The exhibition was about the Doomsday Cathedral. The musical / soundscape piece was inspired by organ music heard in cathedrals, combined with sirens, warplanes, explosions, and sounds from shopping halls, which illustrate the greed and consumerism of modern people.

List of sound works:
Sound design for the exhibition “Kellele kuulub öö” (“Who Owns the Night”), Estonian National Museum (ERM), Tartu
Sound design for Riina Varol’s exhibition “Suve Tagasitoomine” (“Bringing Back the Summer”) at Rotermann Palm Gallery, Tallinn
Sound design for Liisa Kruusmägi’s exhibition “Mälestused Altai Kraist” (“Memories from the Altai Region”), City Gallery, Tallinn (January-March)
Sound design and performance at the “Linnujämm” (“Bird Jam”) event in Tartu with Roomet Jakapi and Doris Kareva (June)
Sound design for “Kuulsad mereretked” (“Famous Sea Voyages”), Seaplane Harbour Museum (September)
Sound design for “Valguse Festival” (“Light Festival”) 2024, Tartu Airport (September, October)
Solo exhibition “Mõttemustrid” (“Thought Patterns”) with sound design, OKAPI Gallery (May-June)
Solo exhibition during residency in Itoshima, Japan (March)
Sound design for the exhibition “Venezia” (“Venice”), Maritime Museum, Seaplane Harbour (March-September)
Sound design for Toomas Volkmann’s solo exhibition, Fotografiska (September)
Sound design for “Puudega Linn” (“City with Trees”), Museum of Natural History (October-April 2024)
Sound design for Riina Varol’s exhibition “Suve Tagasitoomine” (“Bringing Back the Summer”) (December 2023-February 2024)
Sound exhibition “HELI.MÜRA.RUUM” (“SOUND.NOISE.SPACE”) (co-author Ekke Västrik), Rotermann Salt Storage
Exhibition at Viimsi Library (September)
Sound design for a nature center, Syöte, Lapland, Finland (December)
Sound design for Liisa Kruusmägi’s exhibition at Vaal Gallery (November)
Sound design for the art festival “MA EI SAA ARU” (“I DON’T UNDERSTAND”) sculpture exhibition, Green Hall, Telliskivi Creative City (June)
Meisterjaan - “Millest mõtleb vaikija” (“What Does the Silent One Think About”) - album design
Exhibition “Plahvatus” (“Explosion”) at tARTu shop gallery
Sound backdrop for Liisa Kruusmägi’s exhibition “Unistajad” (“Dreamers”) at Solaris Gallery
Sound design for Liisa Kruusmägi and Maarja Mäemets’ exhibition at HOP Gallery
Exhibition at Stella Soomlais Studio
Exhibition at Telliskivi Creative City
Main organizer of the festival “Vilsandi Trance”
Solo exhibition “Lõpmatus” (“Infinity”) (with sound design) at Vaal Gallery
Spatial sound design for Edward von Lõngus’ exhibition “Viimsepäeva Katedraal” (“Cathedral of the Apocalypse”) at Ülemiste City
Solo exhibition “Lõpmatus” (“Infinity”) (with sound design) at Viljandi City Gallery (September 2020)
Exhibition at Tartu Micromaja (October 2020)
Sound design for the robot bar YANU
Sound design for the exhibition “Toolilugu” (“The Story of the Chair”) at ERM
Sound design in the Vabamu courtyard - year-round, 24/7 musical installation
Sound design for the exhibition “Hõberemmelga uus elu” (“The Silver Willow’s New Life”)
Sound design for the Seaplane Harbour Museum’s exhibition “100 aastat kiilu all” (“100 Years Under the Keel”)
Interactive sound installation for the Children’s Literature Centre in collaboration with Tallinn Music Week
Sound design for the “Unekapsel” (“Dream Capsule”) in collaboration with interior architects JanKen Wisespace
Sound design for the Estonian Film Museum
Sound design for the Estonian History Museum
Sound design for the “Lastevabariik” (“Children’s Republic”) exhibition at the Estonian History Museum
Light installation on Vilsandi Island
Completion of the permanent exhibition for Finno-Ugric peoples
Sound design for the exhibition “Piparkoogi Maania” (“Gingerbread Mania”)
Sound compilation of nature sounds for the Ministry of the Environment (HELCOM)
Planning of the sound design for the exhibition at Maarjamäe Palace, Estonian History Museum
Creation of natural soundscapes for Bernhard Kangro’s poetry record
Sound design for the exhibition “Keskaja rõõmud” (“Medieval Joys”) at the Estonian History Museum, Great Guild Hall
Sound design for Rita Sorkina’s children’s interior design element (room divider)
Planning of the sound systems for the permanent exhibition of Finno-Ugric peoples at the new ERM building, phase 2
Musical design for Henri Hütt and Evelyn Raudsepp’s exhibition “But I Know From Your Smile that I Did Some Harm, Poisoning the Rainbow For a While...” at Draakon Gallery
Main organizer of the music festival “Vilsandi Trance 3”
Theme music for the TV show “Subjektiivne Objektiiv” (“Subjective Objective”)
Mixing and mastering of Meisterjaan’s album “Ilusad Illusioonid” (“Beautiful Illusions”)
Mixing, mastering, and design for my own debut vinyl
Interactive sound installation “Itsitav Puu” (“Laughing Tree”) at the “Vilsandi Trance” festival
Architectural and sound design for the exhibition “Vaikus on Kuldne” (“Silence is Golden”) at Kumu
Spatial sound installation-performance at the opening of Sleepwalkers at BFM
Sound design for the exhibition “Ekspeditsioon Wunderlich: 11 sisearhitekti” (“Expedition Wunderlich: 11 Interior Architects”) at the Estonian Museum of Architecture
Started working on a new nature sound album
Planning of sound systems for the permanent exhibition of Finno-Ugric peoples at the new ERM building
Sound design for the Architecture Awards exhibition “Ruumipilt 2013” (“Spatial Picture 2013”) at the Architecture and Design Gallery
5-channel sound work for the exhibition “Merike Estna ja mina kui maal” (“Merike Estna and Me as a Painting”) at Kumu
Sound design for the “Disainiöö” (“Design Night”) exhibition “Heliodisain”
Film music for Madis Ligema’s film “Tantsivate varjude majad” (“The House of Dancing Shadows”)
Sound design for the EU Ombudsmen’s meeting at the Seaplane Harbour
Lecture at the “Öökulli Akadeemia” (“Owl Academy”) on “Tempos and Rhythms as Inspirations for Music Creation” at the Estonian Museum of Natural History
Music for the Butoh dance performance in Poland by TO-EN
Musical design for Jaanus Samma’s exhibition “Kampsunipood Hair Sucks” (“Sweater Shop Hair Sucks”)
Sound design for “Disainiöö” (“Design Night”) at the Creative Hub tent
Sound design for “Disainiöö” (“Design Night”) at the Creative Incubator
Sound design for the EAA installation “LAUD”
Sound design for the 95th Anniversary Ball of the Republic of Estonia at the Estonia Theatre
Sound design for the exhibition “Demodictus”
Sound design for the exhibition “Never odd or even” at Hobusepea Gallery, Marta Stratskas & Margus Tamm
Sound design for the Maritime Museum’s exhibition “Retk laevavrakkide vaikuse maailma” (“Journey to the Silent World of Shipwrecks”)
Sound design for the exhibition “Demodictus”
Sound installation-concert in Montenegro at the Researchers’ Night
Music and sound for IT security awareness commercials (Cuba Films)
Sound installation-concert in Tartu during the Hanseatic Days, marking Tartu’s designation as the World Capital of Physics
Concert/sound installation in collaboration with Taavi Laatsit at the Estonian History Museum during Researchers’ Night
Audiovisual work with spatial sound “Alkeemiku seiklused” (“The Adventures of the Alchemist”) presented at EMP 2012
Film music for Sander Allikmäe’s film “Boxed”
Music for Lilli Jahilo’s dress exhibition “Aura” at the Design Gallery
Various sound works for the Estonian History Museum’s permanent exhibition “Visa Hing” (“Persistent Spirit”) (music/sound design/music for promotional clips)
Music for the exhibition “Võistlus uue Tartu eest” (“Competition for a New Tartu”) at Noorus Gallery, Tartu
Music for a promotional clip for the Seaplane Harbour
Sound design for various sculptures and installation works for the annual sculptors' exhibition “Protsendiaeg” (“Percent Time”) at Rotermann Salt Storage
Film music for Hardi Keerutaja’s “Ei oska filmi teha” (“I Don’t Know How to Make a Film”)
Music for Anneli Säre’s exhibition “Mu värviline Eestimaa” (“My Colorful Estonia”) at the Kastellani House Gallery
Sound design for the sculptors' annual exhibition “Protsendiaeg” (“Percent Time”) at Rotermann Salt Storage
Film music for Hardi Keerutaja’s “Ei oska filmi teha” (“I Don’t Know How to Make a Film”)
Music for Anneli Säre’s exhibition “Mu värviline Eestimaa” (“My Colorful Estonia”) at Kastellani House Gallery
Music for the theater performance by Sandra Zaneva
Music for Tiia Elken’s exhibition “Litod” (“Lithos”) at Vabaduse Gallery
Film music for Andres Tenusaar’s “Kehaline kasvatus” (“Physical Education”)
Film music for Andres Tenusaar’s “Olematu olek” (“Nonexistent State”)
Thank you!