HELI.MÜRA.RUUM, Architecture Museum, Tallinn 2022
- Sound design for the exhibition “Kellele kuulub öö” (“Who Owns the Night”), Estonian National Museum (ERM), Tartu
- Sound design for Riina Varol’s exhibition “Suve Tagasitoomine” (“Bringing Back the Summer”) at Rotermann Palm Gallery, Tallinn
- Sound design for Liisa Kruusmägi’s exhibition “Mälestused Altai Kraist” (“Memories from the Altai Region”), City Gallery, Tallinn (January-March)
- Sound design and performance at the “Linnujämm” (“Bird Jam”) event in Tartu with Roomet Jakapi and Doris Kareva (June)
- Sound design for “Kuulsad mereretked” (“Famous Sea Voyages”), Seaplane Harbour Museum (September)
- Sound design for “Valguse Festival” (“Light Festival”) 2024, Tartu Airport (September, October)
- Sound design for the exhibition “Kellele kuulub öö” (“Who Owns the Night”), Estonian National Museum (ERM), Tartu
- Sound design for Riina Varol’s exhibition “Suve Tagasitoomine” (“Bringing Back the Summer”) at Rotermann Palm Gallery, Tallinn
- Sound design for Liisa Kruusmägi’s exhibition “Mälestused Altai Kraist” (“Memories from the Altai Region”), City Gallery, Tallinn (January-March)
- Sound design and performance at the “Linnujämm” (“Bird Jam”) event in Tartu with Roomet Jakapi and Doris Kareva (June)
- Sound design for “Kuulsad mereretked” (“Famous Sea Voyages”), Seaplane Harbour Museum (September)
- Sound design for “Valguse Festival” (“Light Festival”) 2024, Tartu Airport (September, October)
- Solo exhibition “Mõttemustrid” (“Thought Patterns”) with sound design, OKAPI Gallery (May-June)
- Solo exhibition during residency in Itoshima, Japan (March)
- Sound design for the exhibition “Venezia” (“Venice”), Maritime Museum, Seaplane Harbour (March-September)
- Sound design for Toomas Volkmann’s solo exhibition, Fotografiska (September)
- Sound design for “Puudega Linn” (“City with Trees”), Museum of Natural History (October-April 2024)
- Sound design for Riina Varol’s exhibition “Suve Tagasitoomine” (“Bringing Back the Summer”) (December 2023-February 2024)
- Solo exhibition “Mõttemustrid” (“Thought Patterns”) with sound design, OKAPI Gallery (May-June)
- Solo exhibition during residency in Itoshima, Japan (March)
- Sound design for the exhibition “Venezia” (“Venice”), Maritime Museum, Seaplane Harbour (March-September)
- Sound design for Toomas Volkmann’s solo exhibition, Fotografiska (September)
- Sound design for “Puudega Linn” (“City with Trees”), Museum of Natural History (October-April 2024)
- Sound design for Riina Varol’s exhibition “Suve Tagasitoomine” (“Bringing Back the Summer”) (December 2023-February 2024)
- Sound exhibition “HELI.MÜRA.RUUM” (“SOUND.NOISE.SPACE”) (co-author Ekke Västrik), Rotermann Salt Storage. Sound part in co-operation with Ekke Västrik. Made Visual Design. Light design: Aleksander Sprohgis
- Exhibition at Viimsi Library (September)
- Sound design for a nature center, Syöte, Lapland, Finland (December)
- Sound design for Liisa Kruusmägi’s exhibition at Vaal Gallery (November)
- Sound design for the art festival “MA EI SAA ARU” (“I DON’T UNDERSTAND”) sculpture exhibition, Green Hall, Telliskivi Creative City (June)
- Meisterjaan - “Millest mõtleb vaikija” (“What Does the Silent One Think About”) - album design
- Sound exhibition “HELI.MÜRA.RUUM” (“SOUND.NOISE.SPACE”) (co-author Ekke Västrik), Rotermann Salt Storage. Sound part in co-operation with Ekke Västrik. Made Visual Design. Light design: Aleksander Sprohgis
- Exhibition at Viimsi Library (September)
- Sound design for a nature center, Syöte, Lapland, Finland (December)
- Sound design for Liisa Kruusmägi’s exhibition at Vaal Gallery (November)
- Sound design for the art festival “MA EI SAA ARU” (“I DON’T UNDERSTAND”) sculpture exhibition, Green Hall, Telliskivi Creative City (June)
- Meisterjaan - “Millest mõtleb vaikija” (“What Does the Silent One Think About”) - album design
- Exhibition “Plahvatus” (“Explosion”) at tARTu shop gallery
- Sound backdrop for Liisa Kruusmägi’s exhibition “Unistajad” (“Dreamers”) at Solaris Gallery
- Sound design for Liisa Kruusmägi and Maarja Mäemets’ exhibition at HOP Gallery
- Exhibition at Stella Soomlais Studio
- Exhibition at Telliskivi Creative City
- Exhibition “Plahvatus” (“Explosion”) at tARTu shop gallery
- Sound backdrop for Liisa Kruusmägi’s exhibition “Unistajad” (“Dreamers”) at Solaris Gallery
- Sound design for Liisa Kruusmägi and Maarja Mäemets’ exhibition at HOP Gallery
- Exhibition at Stella Soomlais Studio
- Exhibition at Telliskivi Creative City
- Solo exhibition “Lõpmatus” (“Infinity”) (with sound design) at Vaal Gallery
- Spatial sound design for Edward von Lõngus’ exhibition “Viimsepäeva Katedraal” (“Cathedral of the Apocalypse”) at Ülemiste City
- Solo exhibition “Lõpmatus” (“Infinity”) (with sound design) at Viljandi City Gallery (September 2020)
- Exhibition at Tartu Micromaja (October 2020)
- Sound design for the robot bar YANU
- Solo exhibition “Lõpmatus” (“Infinity”) (with sound design) at Vaal Gallery
- Spatial sound design for Edward von Lõngus’ exhibition “Viimsepäeva Katedraal” (“Cathedral of the Apocalypse”) at Ülemiste City
- Solo exhibition “Lõpmatus” (“Infinity”) (with sound design) at Viljandi City Gallery (September 2020)
- Exhibition at Tartu Micromaja (October 2020)
- Sound design for the robot bar YANU
- Sound design for the exhibition “Toolilugu” (“The Story of the Chair”) at ERM
- Sound design for the exhibition “Toolilugu” (“The Story of the Chair”) at ERM
- Sound design in the Vabamu courtyard - year-round, 24/7 musical installation
- Sound design for the exhibition “Hõberemmelga uus elu” (“The Silver Willow’s New Life”)
- Sound design for the Seaplane Harbour Museum’s exhibition “100 aastat kiilu all” (“100 Years Under the Keel”)
- Interactive sound installation for the Children’s Literature Centre in collaboration with Tallinn Music Week
- Sound design for the “Unekapsel” (“Dream Capsule”) in collaboration with interior architects JanKen Wisespace
- Sound design in the Vabamu courtyard - year-round, 24/7 musical installation
- Sound design for the exhibition “Hõberemmelga uus elu” (“The Silver Willow’s New Life”)
- Sound design for the Seaplane Harbour Museum’s exhibition “100 aastat kiilu all” (“100 Years Under the Keel”)
- Interactive sound installation for the Children’s Literature Centre in collaboration with Tallinn Music Week
- Sound design for the “Unekapsel” (“Dream Capsule”) in collaboration with interior architects JanKen Wisespace
- Sound design for the Estonian Film Museum
- Sound design for the Estonian History Museum
- Sound design for the “Lastevabariik” (“Children’s Republic”) exhibition at the Estonian History Museum
- Light installation on Vilsandi Island
- Sound design for the Estonian Film Museum
- Sound design for the Estonian History Museum
- Sound design for the “Lastevabariik” (“Children’s Republic”) exhibition at the Estonian History Museum
- Light installation on Vilsandi Island
- Completion of the permanent exhibition for Finno-Ugric peoples
- Sound design for the exhibition “Piparkoogi Maania” (“Gingerbread Mania”)
- Sound compilation of nature sounds for the Ministry of the Environment (HELCOM)
- Planning of the sound design for the exhibition at Maarjamäe Palace, Estonian History Museum
- Creation of natural soundscapes for Bernhard Kangro’s poetry record
- Sound design for the exhibition “Keskaja rõõmud” (“Medieval Joys”) at the Estonian History Museum, Great Guild Hall
- Sound design for Rita Sorkina’s children’s interior design element (room divider)
- Completion of the permanent exhibition for Finno-Ugric peoples
- Sound design for the exhibition “Piparkoogi Maania” (“Gingerbread Mania”)
- Sound compilation of nature sounds for the Ministry of the Environment (HELCOM)
- Planning of the sound design for the exhibition at Maarjamäe Palace, Estonian History Museum
- Creation of natural soundscapes for Bernhard Kangro’s poetry record
- Sound design for the exhibition “Keskaja rõõmud” (“Medieval Joys”) at the Estonian History Museum, Great Guild Hall
- Sound design for Rita Sorkina’s children’s interior design element (room divider)
- Planning of the sound systems for the permanent exhibition of Finno-Ugric peoples at the new ERM building, phase 2
- Musical design for Henri Hütt and Evelyn Raudsepp’s exhibition “But I Know From Your Smile that I Did Some - Harm, Poisoning the Rainbow For a While...” at Draakon Gallery
- Theme music for the TV show “Subjektiivne Objektiiv” (“Subjective Objective”)
- Mixing and mastering of Meisterjaan’s album “Ilusad Illusioonid” (“Beautiful Illusions”)
- Mixing, mastering, and design for my own debut vinyl
- Interactive sound installation “Itsitav Puu” (“Laughing Tree”) at the “Vilsandi Trance” festival
- Architectural and sound design for the exhibition “Vaikus on Kuldne” (“Silence is Golden”) at Kumu
- Spatial sound installation-performance at the opening of Sleepwalkers at BFM
- Sound design for the exhibition “Ekspeditsioon Wunderlich: 11 sisearhitekti” (“Expedition Wunderlich: 11 Interior Architects”) at the Estonian Museum of Architecture
- Started working on a new nature sound album
- Planning of the sound systems for the permanent exhibition of Finno-Ugric peoples at the new ERM building, phase 2
- Musical design for Henri Hütt and Evelyn Raudsepp’s exhibition “But I Know From Your Smile that I Did Some - Harm, Poisoning the Rainbow For a While...” at Draakon Gallery
- Theme music for the TV show “Subjektiivne Objektiiv” (“Subjective Objective”)
- Mixing and mastering of Meisterjaan’s album “Ilusad Illusioonid” (“Beautiful Illusions”)
- Mixing, mastering, and design for my own debut vinyl
- Interactive sound installation “Itsitav Puu” (“Laughing Tree”) at the “Vilsandi Trance” festival
- Architectural and sound design for the exhibition “Vaikus on Kuldne” (“Silence is Golden”) at Kumu
- Spatial sound installation-performance at the opening of Sleepwalkers at BFM
- Sound design for the exhibition “Ekspeditsioon Wunderlich: 11 sisearhitekti” (“Expedition Wunderlich: 11 Interior Architects”) at the Estonian Museum of Architecture
- Started working on a new nature sound album
- Planning of sound systems for the permanent exhibition of Finno-Ugric peoples at the new ERM building
- Sound design for the Architecture Awards exhibition “Ruumipilt 2013” (“Spatial Picture 2013”) at the Architecture and Design Gallery
- 5-channel sound work for the exhibition “Merike Estna ja mina kui maal” (“Merike Estna and Me as a Painting”) at Kumu
- Sound design for the “Disainiöö” (“Design Night”) exhibition “Heliodisain”
- Film music for Madis Ligema’s film “Tantsivate varjude majad” (“The House of Dancing Shadows”)
- Sound design for the EU Ombudsmen’s meeting at the Seaplane Harbour
- Lecture at the “Öökulli Akadeemia” (“Owl Academy”) on “Tempos and Rhythms as Inspirations for Music - Creation” at the Estonian Museum of Natural History
- Music for the Butoh dance performance in Poland by TO-EN
- Musical design for Jaanus Samma’s exhibition “Kampsunipood Hair Sucks” (“Sweater Shop Hair Sucks”)
- Planning of sound systems for the permanent exhibition of Finno-Ugric peoples at the new ERM building
- Sound design for the Architecture Awards exhibition “Ruumipilt 2013” (“Spatial Picture 2013”) at the Architecture and Design Gallery
- 5-channel sound work for the exhibition “Merike Estna ja mina kui maal” (“Merike Estna and Me as a Painting”) at Kumu
- Sound design for the “Disainiöö” (“Design Night”) exhibition “Heliodisain”
- Film music for Madis Ligema’s film “Tantsivate varjude majad” (“The House of Dancing Shadows”)
- Sound design for the EU Ombudsmen’s meeting at the Seaplane Harbour
- Lecture at the “Öökulli Akadeemia” (“Owl Academy”) on “Tempos and Rhythms as Inspirations for Music - Creation” at the Estonian Museum of Natural History
- Music for the Butoh dance performance in Poland by TO-EN
- Musical design for Jaanus Samma’s exhibition “Kampsunipood Hair Sucks” (“Sweater Shop Hair Sucks”)
- Sound design for “Disainiöö” (“Design Night”) at the Creative Hub tent
- Sound design for “Disainiöö” (“Design Night”) at the Creative Incubator
- Sound design for the EAA installation “LAUD”
- Sound design for the 95th Anniversary Ball of the Republic of Estonia at the Estonia Theatre
- Sound design for the exhibition “Demodictus”
- Sound design for the exhibition “Never odd or even” at Hobusepea Gallery, Marta Stratskas & Margus Tamm
- Sound design for “Disainiöö” (“Design Night”) at the Creative Hub tent
- Sound design for “Disainiöö” (“Design Night”) at the Creative Incubator
- Sound design for the EAA installation “LAUD”
- Sound design for the 95th Anniversary Ball of the Republic of Estonia at the Estonia Theatre
- Sound design for the exhibition “Demodictus”
- Sound design for the exhibition “Never odd or even” at Hobusepea Gallery, Marta Stratskas & Margus Tamm
- Sound design for the Maritime Museum’s exhibition “Retk laevavrakkide vaikuse maailma” (“Journey to the Silent World of Shipwrecks”)
- Sound design for the exhibition “Demodictus”
- Sound installation-concert in Montenegro at the Researchers’ Night
- Music and sound for IT security awareness commercials (Cuba Films)
- Sound installation-concert in Tartu during the Hanseatic Days, marking Tartu’s designation as the World Capital of Physics
- Concert/sound installation in collaboration with Taavi Laatsit at the Estonian History Museum during Researchers’ Night
- Audiovisual work with spatial sound “Alkeemiku seiklused” (“The Adventures of the Alchemist”) presented at EMP
- Film music for Sander Allikmäe’s film “Boxed”
- Music for Lilli Jahilo’s dress exhibition “Aura” at the Design Gallery
- Sound design for the Maritime Museum’s exhibition “Retk laevavrakkide vaikuse maailma” (“Journey to the Silent World of Shipwrecks”)
- Sound design for the exhibition “Demodictus”
- Sound installation-concert in Montenegro at the Researchers’ Night
- Music and sound for IT security awareness commercials (Cuba Films)
- Sound installation-concert in Tartu during the Hanseatic Days, marking Tartu’s designation as the World Capital of Physics
- Concert/sound installation in collaboration with Taavi Laatsit at the Estonian History Museum during Researchers’ Night
- Audiovisual work with spatial sound “Alkeemiku seiklused” (“The Adventures of the Alchemist”) presented at EMP
- Film music for Sander Allikmäe’s film “Boxed”
- Music for Lilli Jahilo’s dress exhibition “Aura” at the Design Gallery
- Various sound works for the Estonian History Museum’s permanent exhibition “Visa Hing” (“Persistent Spirit”) (music/sound design/music for promotional clips)
- Music for the exhibition “Võistlus uue Tartu eest” (“Competition for a New Tartu”) at Noorus Gallery, Tartu
- Music for a promotional clip for the Seaplane Harbour
- Sound design for various sculptures and installation works for the annual sculptors' exhibition “Protsendiaeg” (“Percent Time”) at Rotermann Salt Storage
- Film music for Hardi Keerutaja’s “Ei oska filmi teha” (“I Don’t Know How to Make a Film”)
- Sound design for the sculptors' annual exhibition “Protsendiaeg” (“Percent Time”) at Rotermann Salt Storage
- Film music for Hardi Keerutaja’s “Ei oska filmi teha” (“I Don’t Know How to Make a Film”)
- Music for Anneli Säre’s exhibition “Mu värviline Eestimaa” (“My Colorful Estonia”) at Kastellani House Gallery
- Various sound works for the Estonian History Museum’s permanent exhibition “Visa Hing” (“Persistent Spirit”) (music/sound design/music for promotional clips)
- Music for the exhibition “Võistlus uue Tartu eest” (“Competition for a New Tartu”) at Noorus Gallery, Tartu
- Music for a promotional clip for the Seaplane Harbour
- Sound design for various sculptures and installation works for the annual sculptors' exhibition “Protsendiaeg” (“Percent Time”) at Rotermann Salt Storage
- Film music for Hardi Keerutaja’s “Ei oska filmi teha” (“I Don’t Know How to Make a Film”)
- Sound design for the sculptors' annual exhibition “Protsendiaeg” (“Percent Time”) at Rotermann Salt Storage
- Film music for Hardi Keerutaja’s “Ei oska filmi teha” (“I Don’t Know How to Make a Film”)
- Music for Anneli Säre’s exhibition “Mu värviline Eestimaa” (“My Colorful Estonia”) at Kastellani House Gallery
- Music for a theatrical play by Sandra Z and Alissa Shnaider "It´s Time!"
- Music for Tiia Elken’s exhibition “Litod” (“Lithos”) at Vabaduse Gallery
- Music for a theatrical play by Sandra Z and Alissa Shnaider "It´s Time!"
- Music for Tiia Elken’s exhibition “Litod” (“Lithos”) at Vabaduse Gallery
- Film music for Andres Tenusaar’s “Kehaline kasvatus” (“Physical Education”)
- Film music for Andres Tenusaar’s “Kehaline kasvatus” (“Physical Education”)
- Film music for Andres Tenusaar’s “Olematu olek” (“Nonexistent State”)
- Film music for Andres Tenusaar’s “Olematu olek” (“Nonexistent State”)